New Users who wish to edit these pages will need an invite from an admin of
To send an invite, Admininstrators should click on "My Account" in the upper right after logging in.
This takes you to the account page. Click on tab "Sites" then the "Admin Panel" of and navigate to Invitations by email.
Once you've joined, every page can be edited by clicking "Edit" at the bottom of the page.
During editing, there are buttons above the text area for different formatting options. Highlight the text to be formatted and click the button to see the resulting syntax. Don't try to preview changes, just save your work to see what the page will look like.
There are different ways to create new pages, but it may be easiest to create a link to a page that does not yet exist, follow the link, and then edit it. See Helpful Tips below.
A simple reference with format examples and the basic syntax used, as well as how to create links can be found at:
Helpful tips:
If you want to edit the Left Side Bar of the home page go to
Wiki Page Links are written in the following format:
[[[PageName |Text Displayed in Link]]]
You can create a new page by adding the above to any existing page, just use a unique PageName.
When you try to go to the new page it will be blank and then you can edit it.